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2 Timothy 4:5 But you, keep your head in all situations, endure hardship, do the work of an evangelist, discharge all the duties of your ministry. We each have a ministry that God called us to. It is the ministry…

It's Sunday morning and I receive a text from a mother saying her children were not going to be there for Sunday school because they were up late at a birthday party the night before. Well, that makes me ticked…

I'm at Walmart. I am going up and down the isle in the toy department looking for slinkys. I am putting together Easter baskets for my little grandchildren. I am not finding them. I noticed a young mother with 3…

He was the oldest child in the classroom, however he had been diagnosed with a disease. He didn't catch on very well or very fast but he was smart if you took the time to listen to him. His constant…

I received a call from my sister wanting to know how to make some crochet slippers that I have been making for nursing homes, friends and others that I made the pattern for. While we were talking I was telling…

There is always a problem child in your classroom. They try our patience. I had a particular child who was very smart. He was that type A personality who always wanted to tell you how to play the game or…

It's amazing how God can change the inside of you. He changed the inside of me when I was going to stop teaching Sunday School. You see, I had this kid. I hated this kid. He was one of those…

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