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I’m at Walmart. I am going up and down the isle in the toy department looking for slinkys. I am putting together Easter baskets for my little grandchildren. I am not finding them. I noticed a young mother with 3 small children and they all look to be under 10 years old. I continued moving down the isle and I saw the boy about 7 or 8 pick up a box and hold it tightly to his chest  and take off after his mother as I moved away I heard him say I want this. I kept going but I knew by the size of the box he probably wasn’t going to get it. But it was one of those times you ignore stuff because you just can’t do anything and it’s the world. On the flip side of that isle I met an older woman and she was perusing the isles and I asked her if she had seen any slinkys. We laughed when she said no.

I came across the mother and the children on the next isle and I heard her say you only have a couple of dollars to one of the kids. I felt sorry for mothers when you have to take kids to the toy section I don’t care how much money you have, kids always want stuff you can’t afford. Anyway I gave up and started back to the check out line where my husband was and as I rounded the corner of one of the shelves I saw a bill folded in quarters laying on the floor. I was pretty sure it was only a dollar but I was hoping for a 20. It was a dollar. I’m not rich but a dollar wasn’t very exciting but of course I was going to keep it. Then the thought occurred to me. I’ll bet it belongs to one of those children. I started to go toward the check out but I stopped myself, I knew to go find out. So I turned and I started back to the toy section and after checking all the isle’s I found her at the end of the last one. I hesitated to ask because I didn’t want to intrude but that’s when I spotted the slinkys! I exclaimed Slinky’s I was looking everywhere for those. She looked up and smiled and because I had her attention I asked, “by chance did any of your children lose any money? The littlest girl was standing close to me and her mother pointed and said “she had a dollar in her pocket”. I gave the little girl her dollar. I didn’t see her face or look at her I just gave it to her and grabbed my slinkys and left.

I know that God wanted that little girl to have her dollar, and if I hadn’t done what I knew to do, she wouldn’t have. I’m glad I got to be a part. Is it going to change very much. Not really, but I bet that little girl is glad to have her dollar.

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